I am humbled to have been able to participate in the Sounding of the Conch Shell summer camp for indigenous youth in Belize. I am eternally grateful to have helped facilitate in any way that I could as indigenous youth developed action plans based on their joys, pains, and dreams for the future. I met so many wonderful people from all around the world, including indigenous youth/allies from Manitoba, Canada, and could not be more fortunate. Big thank you to Cristina and Pablo Mis for letting me stay in their home while I was here, and for informing me about this amazing opportunity. Big thank you to all of the chaperones, teachers, youth, musicians, and everyone who helped to make this what it was. You and this experience will forever be with me in my heart <3
Folk Fest 2019

Big big thanks to everyone who came out to Folk Fest! Sadly, the second day did not come to fruition due to technical issues, but the first day was a great success. Thank you to all the performers and everyone involved, it was an honor to be able to put this together and play in support of NYPIRG’s menstrual product and toiletry drive. The first day we managed to raise $34 from Folk Fest alone, how cool is that?